Terms & Conditions

Online Data

Though we try to keep all information up to date, vACC Switzerland does not take any responsibilty for accuracy or currency. All information can be revoked at any time from public access.

Connections and Links

vACC Switzerland does not support any contents which is not managed by us, but reachable by followin links to foreign sites.


Unless expressed specifically, all documents, text, pictures and other information are copyright. This property must not be reproduced or used elsewhere without allowance of the copyright holder.

Data protection

The publishing of private date is at your discression. Though vACC Switzerland undertakes all efforts to protect this data and stores them only as far as necessary, we do not encourage Authors to share or publish personal data such as email-, ICQ-, or any other address or Phone numbers.
vACC Switzerland also reserves the right to prosecute misuse of all data off our site.


online atc

  • no controllers are online

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