
03/18/11 08:40:02 z von HP Rutschmann

VACC Switzerland Polo Shirts

VACC Switzerland proudly present the new Polo Shirt. Please check

02/11/11 21:39:34 z von Mike Welten

Controller Training

The ATC-TD got new mentors!
It's a pleasure to introduce our new mentors Thomas Wand and Daniel Reynard.
Thank you guys for your effort, I wish you all the best.

The ATC-TD is also working on new training documents to speed up our training system. It will take a lot of time until the first release, but we're working hard to get them done as soon as possible.

01/10/11 20:51:01 z von Yves Gabi

Piloten Training

Hallo Piloten

Das Pilot Training Departement der vACC Schweiz stellt ein komplettes Team für IFR und VFR Trainings zur Verfügung. 

Für Trainings meldet euch auf

Mehr Infos im Forum in der Member Area unter Pilots.

Happy Landings!

12/20/10 21:48:46 z von HP Rutschmann

New Leader Admin Department

Yesterday, Nicolas Ammann has taken Leadership of our Admin Department from Tobias Schlegel. Tobi whose first traces at VATSIM go back to 2004, has been very active and ingenious creator of events.

Tobi, thank you for your initiative and your help during all these years!

Nicolas, welcome in the staff! Thanks for helping us

11/27/10 21:45:22 z von HP Rutschmann

New ATC-TD Leader

Today, Mike Welten has taken Leadership in our ATC-TD, as Jürg steps back due to real life commitments.

Jürg, many thanks for the tremendous amount of work you've performed for all of us during many years!

Mike, many thanks and good luck with your additional job.

We are also happy having won two new members interested in becoming mentors - stay tuned.

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