
04/12/12 07:34:52 z von HP Rutschmann

vACC Switzerland has a bank account

From now on, vACC Switzerland association has a bank account:

Verein vACC Schweiz
CH-4143 Dornach
IBAN CH79 8093 9000 0043 1125 1

As laid out in the bylaws Art. 23, it offers the opportunity to accept monetary donations which will primarily be used to maintain the vACCs expenses such as software licenses, domains and the like.

09/25/11 20:27:46 z von Nicolas Ammann

Changes in LSZH and LSGG

The frequencies of the following stations have been changed:


LSZH_APP  OLD: 120.750  -->  NEW: 131.150

LSZH_DEL  OLD: 121.800  -->  NEW: 121.920

LSGG_A_GND  OLD: 121.750  -->  NEW: 121.850


Pilots: Please check the new charts for LSZH, updated charts for LSGG will be published soon.

 Controllers: Update your client data to AIRAC 1110 before the next online session! Check that you connect with the correct frequency! There is also a new SOP for LSZH released, LSGG will be updated soon.

07/27/11 17:54:46 z von Pascal Pulver

Updated LSGG Arrival Chart

Maximum Altitude corrected to FL150

Link to chart: (All NON-RNAV Arrivals)

Thx HP!

06/14/11 14:56:48 z von Nicolas Ammann

New TMSv2 online

The new Training Management System v2 (TMSv2) is online! It has many improvements and new functions!

Please check the forum for more information!

04/04/11 21:42:12 z von Nicolas Ammann

New Charts released

We released today updated SID charts for Geneva and an updated SID / STAR Quick Reference Sheet. The Euroscope Data will be updated and released soon.

All SID designator have changed!

BLM STARs in Zurich have changed. The new chart is released aswell.


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