
30.08.2010 11:50:50 z von HP Rutschmann

Observers fragen für Credentials

Offensichtlich gibt es Observer, die versuchen, von Controllern die VATSIM-ID und das Passwort zu erbetteln. Dies selbstverständlich nicht nur gegen die VATSIM Rules and Regulations, sondern auch gegen den gesunden Menschenverstand.

Deshalb - Tu's nicht!

16.03.2010 15:35:36 z von Pascal Pulver

New QuickRef sheets

SID&STAR QuickRef sheet updated.
There are no RNAV transitions included yet. Stay tuned for the new LSZH transitions to be updated later.


LSAS QuickRef sheet overworked.
- LSZB, LSZR and EDNY STARs updated
- some changes regarding München
- LIMM_APP FL corrected: now FL205


15.03.2010 21:37:34 z von Pascal Pulver

New LSZH GND chart

Attention! These changes are important to pilots and ATC controllers.

New LSZH ground chart available:


- B stands / construction area
- C / D stands updated / removed
- G stands
- Intermediate Holding Position (RWY 28, see below)


At Zurich Airport Intermediate Holding Position were introduced some time ago. It's already implemented in the Freez v0.9 scenery. What is different to the holding point and what do you have to consider?

Definition: Intermediate holding position. A designatd position intended for traffic control at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall stop and hold until further cleared to proceed, when so instructed by ATC.

Each position has it's own expression. That is the main difference to the holding point which is only a generall definition. An intermediate holding postition on taxiway "A" starts normally (not always!) with "A" followed by a figure. So, the first one it's called "A1", the second one "A2" and so on. At Zurich there are now four positions: A1, S1, S2 and Y1. You can find them south of threshold runway 28.


ATC: SWR123 taxi to the intermediate holding position A1 via E and A.

You don't have to mention the runway anymore in the taxi instruction.
You may shorten the expression:

ATC: SWR123 taxi to holding position A1 via E and A.

Traffic taxiing from GAC Sector 1:
A piston aircraft needs a run-up prior departure. Have a look at the
map. There is a run-up area east of the intermediate holding position S1. So, piston aircaft must taxi via the holding position S1. All other taxi preferably via S2 whether it is a VFR or IFR flight.

Example piston aircraft, VFR flight:
ATC: HBCDE QNH 1015, taxi to holding position S1, when ready for departure contact Tower 118.1

Example jet, IFR flight:
ATC: HBJED taxi to holding position S2.

15.03.2010 20:40:52 z von Pascal Pulver

New LSZR charts

New Approach, Arrival and Departure charts available for LSZR


01.02.2010 13:20:01 z von Markus Zürcher

Staff Wechsel

Ab heute ist Pascal Pulver unser neuer Operation Department Leader. Er ersetzt Raffael Walther welcher während vielen Jahren für die Swiss FIR und VACC Schweiz aktiv war.

Danke Raffael für die Zeit welche du in unsere Gemeinschaft investiert hast und Danke Pascal, dass du dieses anspruchsvolle Amt übernimmst.

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